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Your health is as personal to us as it is to you.

We don’t believe in prescribed appointment times. When you schedule an appointment with us, we take time to listen and build a relationship. You’ll always deal directly with your board-certified physician for total-spectrum care, and we’ll use our internal medicine training to address complex medical scenarios. We’ll personally coordinate every facet of your health care, simplifying a complicated health care system and expediting the healthiest outcome. We know life is busy, and our exclusive membership model means you’ll get an appointment quickly on your terms—at times that are convenient for you.

Hear directly from our doctors about the Spry experience.

primary care


Spry Choice gives you the flexibility to pay as you go. With this membership plan, you have access to all the personal services and conveniences that make Spry unique.


  • 24/7 communication with your physician

  • Same day appointments

  • No wait times

  • Personal curation of specialist appointments outside of Spry, from scheduling to follow-up

Spry Complete is our unlimited access plan, designed for patients who require frequent health care. 


  • 24/7 communication with your physician

  • Same day appointments

  • No wait times

  • Personal curation of specialist appointments outside of Spry, from scheduling to follow-up

  • Unlimited office visits

  • Annual flu, pneumonia and tetanus vaccines

  • Blood draws (Lab processing is subject to payment)​​

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)

  • Hearing and vision screening

  • Health coaching

  • Stress management

“We believe in answering all of your questions.”

Let’s navigate Spry membership together. We want to have a conversation to make sure you have all of the information you need to select the right plan. To schedule a meeting with a physician, call 216-957-7779 (SPRY). We look forward to starting our relationship!


Annual Membership Fee

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